Ten features every successful website should have

Today we would like to share ten (10) features that we feel are essential to the performance of a successful website. In all of our public facing web design projects that we deliver to our customers there are certain elements that seem to always be present and contribute the successful performance of a website. We researched all of our previous public facing web design projects for the past 5 years and came up with the following list of “must have” website features.

1. Clean & Professional Design w/High Quality Visuals (simplicity also goes a long way)

  • Consistent colors, fonts, images related to brand
  • Easy to read & digest – not too wordy but enough content to inform
  • High quality images that engage visitor and convey brands personality, products, services
  • Real images from the business (products, services, items)
  • Refrain from using stock images

2. Easy To Find & Use Navigation – sounds simple but it is extremely important for your website visitors to be able to easily find and navigate to the information that is relevant to them.

  • Floating header nav on desktop
  • Hamburger menu on mobile
  • Footer nav links for terms, about, social media, etc.

3. Strong Clear Calls To Action – CTA’s

  • Phone Number with Tap-to-call on mobile
  • Contact Form Buttons
  • Instant Chat Widget (increasing in popularity)

4. Powerful Testimonials / Client Reviews – Google, Yelp, FB Reviews

5. Responsiveness – Your website MUST perform exceptionally well on:

  • Desktop Devices
  • Tablet Devices
  • Mobile Devices

6. Value Proposition – Why should someone use your company over a competitor? If two offers are the same then the deciding factor for a customer is usually the marketing and value proposition.

7. Services/Products Lists & Benefits of your company

8. SEO Features

  • Title Tag
  • META Tags
  • Page Structure (h1, h2, h3, p, classes, ID’s, alt tags, etc.)
  • SEO URL’s / Key word rich URL’s

9. Social Media Feed(s) /Blog Roll(s) – helps with fresh content

10. Tracking

  • Identify business KPI’s & Online Goals
  • Track the performance of items that directly affect business KPI’s and Goals
  • Conversions (Lead capture forms, Calls, Chats)
  • Clicks
  • Sales
  • Traffic

If your website is missing any of these features then your business could be losing out on valuable opportunities to capture leads and new customers. Feel free to contact us and we can help you implement any of these features on your current website!

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